Mark teaches my daughter and she is doing really well, her assessment
is 'fine' which is clearly teenage speak for 'really good and i'm enjoying it' from Stephanie Macdonald on 25th May 2015.
John Swann (62yrs):- I have been taking guitar lessons from Mark since the beginning
of July`14 and in less than 3 months, I have improved immensely, in my chords and strumming. I would say Mark is the best
tutor I have had, and learning from him is relaxed and easy to understand.
Stewart (Parent & student):- Mark has
taught me for 3yrs as well as teaching my 15yr old son Robbie for 6yrs and my left-handed 11yr old daughter for a year - what
can I say, the fact that all 3 of us come to Mark for lessons to me shows how great lessons are and a testiment to Mark -
not many teachers will teach left & right handed students but Mark has taught my daughter with ease! Thanks Mark!
Phill Jackson (adult):- Mark taught me from
scratch and I have learned various different skills and styles of playing - totally love it and thoroughly recommend GTRS
to anyone.
Michael (12yrs):- I love my weekly lessons
with Mark - he's taught me a lot of different styles and rhytrhms and also taught me about timing and not rushing through
songs so I don't get frustrated and make mistakes. Playing guitar has given me a lot more confidence as well and
I even played and sang a Status Quo song on my own in front of the school and I would not have been able to do that had it
not been for Mark.